Latest publications / Todd Krieble

A landmark reborn: The value of Christ Church Cathedral

Christ Church Cathedral Reinstatement Limited (CCRL) commissioned NZIER to estimate the total economic value of reinstating Christ Church Cathedral and make the case for further investment. In this report, we identify, quantify and monetise the benefits of reinstating Christ Church Ca … Read more

Gains for everyone: Towards an inclusive growth agenda for Aotearoa New Zealand

A joint project with The Helen Clark Foundation. A newly released report from the Helen Clark Foundation and the New Zealand Institute of Economic Research calls for a minimum wage boost to improve inclusion and incentivise investment in capital and skills, leading to greater producti … Read more

A new generation medicines policy : Improved access and equity for New Zealanders

NZIER produced a discussion paper for Medicines New Zealand in order to look at what kinds of leadership, funding, services, workforce and technologies are needed to support optimal use of medicines for better health outcomes for New Zealanders. Read more

New Zealand's pandemic response: Best practice or just a practice run? NZIER Insight 84

Using evidence from health and economic literature, health economists Sarah Hogan and Todd Krieble find that New Zealand should do more to prepare for pandemics and assist the Pacific Islands. New Zealand should not rely on travel bans which are likely to be ineffective. Read more

The economic contribution of the screen industry: 2017 update

A report to New Zealand Film Commission, Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage, New Zealand On Air, Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development, Wellington Regional Economic Development Agency. Read more

Is it finally time to reduce the number of district health boards? NZIER Insight 69

New Zealand has 20 district health boards (DHBs) for a population of less than 5 million. Because of a lack of transparency, we do not know the costs of administering DHBs. But prima facie evidence suggests it is time to consolidate DHBs and free up administrative resources to use for … Read more

Valuing access to work

A report commissioned by the Blind Foundation for the Access Alliance. The Blind Foundation commissioned NZIER to analyse the economic impact of improved access for people with disabilities (PWD). Two scenarios were considered: - Scenario 1 models the impact of increasing employment a … Read more

Pacific economic trends and snapshot 2016

A report for the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment. Read more

Pacific Cultural Centre feasibility study

The Ministry of Pacific Peoples (MPP) wishes to explore the feasibility of establishing a dedicated multi-purpose Pacific Culture Centre (PCC) facility in Auckland. Through such a viable multi-purpose facility, MPP is seeking to support the preservation and promotion of diverse Pacifi … Read more

How would you spend a half-billion dollars on arts, culture and heritage? NZIER Insight 58

The government spends a half billion dollars on arts, culture and heritage each year but has little indication of what the public actually wants from public expenditure. At present mainly 'experts' decide what cultural goods and services should be supplied from the public purse. Read more

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