Latest publications / Ting Huang

Gentailer retail margin disclosure: What does it tell us?

A report to the Consumer Advocacy Council. Read more

Housing availability and affordability - NZIER Insight 111

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Diversity in economics in Aotearoa New Zealand - NZIER Insight 110

The significance of diversity in economics cannot be overstated. Diversity in sex, gender, ethnicity, socio-economic background and various dimensions enhances problem-solving and decision-making by introducing diverse perspectives, experiences and skills. This is important considerin … Read more

Valuing the Hauraki Gulf: An ecosystem services and natural capital approach

The Hauraki Gulf Forum commissioned NZIER economists Peter Clough, Michael Bealing and Ting Huang to provide a top-down assessment of the Gulf’s natural capital using a Total Economic Value framework and an Ecosystem Services approach. Read more

The new pathway to Australian citizenship

In this special feature, we explore the potential impact of the new pathway to gaining Australian citizenship on the New Zealand economy. Read more

Assessing housing shortages in New Zealand

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, strong migration-led population growth boosted demand in New Zealand, including for housing. With housing construction slow to respond, the limited supply of new housing moving onto the market exacerbated the housing shortage. Read more

Rural connectivity: Economic benefits of closing the rural digital divide

Chorus commissioned NZIER to assess the potential benefits of closing the urban-rural digital divide. We consider how digital technology improves how people communicate, work, learn and access services and entertainment. Read more

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