Getting real on a tax-free threshold - NZIER Insight 24
January 28, 2011
Labour's proposed tax-free threshold for the first $5,000 of wages and removing GST from fresh fruit and vegetables will cost around $1.7 billion in the first year. This is to be funded by raising the top tax rate for high income earners. From an economic perspective, these proposals … Read more
Tax relief, but Aussies still earn more - NZIER Insight 18
September 30, 2010
Personal tax cuts from 1 October 2010 will boost take home pay for New Zealand workers. NZIER has updated its personal tax calculators to allow comparison with Australia. New Zealand’s new personal tax regime is less onerous for high income earners than Australia’s. But as Australia’s … Read more
Fix flawed values of statistical life and life years to get better policy outcomes - NZIER Insight 16
June 16, 2010
When taxpayers' money is spent on health and safety measures in transport and healthcare services, the decisions made implicitly or explicitly place values on saving lives and casualties. In recent years there has been a move towards using standard measures of these values so that the … Read more
Most better off under new tax structure - NZIER Insight 13
March 9, 2010
Likely tax changes in the upcoming Budget will leave most households better off. NZIER’s preliminary estimates suggest the median household earning $65,000 a year can be better off by around $12 a week. This is the impact of a likely reduction in personal income tax and increase in GS … Read more
Bolder reforms needed to stop the rot - NZIER Insight 12
January 20, 2010
Anyone who seriously thinks that the Tax Working Group's (TWG) recommendations are radical needs a reality check. The TWG report is a valuable contribution to the economic debate, and deserves a good airing. But if New Zealand is to close the income gap with Australia, we need to do m … Read more