Latest publications / Sector: Transport and infrastructure (2)

Funding the world's most liveable city: the missing third leg? NZIER Insight 49

Auckland's potential will only be unlocked if investment funding can be found to deal with infrastructure bottlenecks. This Insight explores the role of private capital in funding Auckland's infrastructure. It concludes that greater effort to attract private capital through the provis … Read more

The power of price - NZIER Insight 48

This week Auckland Council presented two options for raising additional funding for land transport projects - introducing user-charges to use the motorway network, or increasing rates and fuel taxes. NZIER welcomes the opportunity to publicly debate road pricing. We see user-charges a … Read more

Costly investment decisions require improved population forecasts - NZIER Insight 47

Investing wisely today for the New Zealand of tomorrow requires a detailed understanding of how many people there will be and where we will work and live. Billions of dollars of infrastructure spending are at stake. Yet past estimates of New Zealand's population, on which these invest … Read more

Big city life? Challenges and trade-offs for Auckland city

Auckland is on the move. Economic growth is outpacing most regions and people continue to flow into the city. This is putting pressure on the shape of Auckland city and the form of housing and transport infrastructure. So it's not surprising that Auckland is revising its planning for … Read more

Appraising transport strategies that induce land use changes : estimating benefits of long-term land use change from standard transport model outputs

This paper develops a cost-benefit appraisal (CBA) methodology to apply to infrastructure strategies that are expected to induce long-run change to land use, population and economic activity ('land use' for short). Read more

Economics like there's no tomorrow - NZIER Insight 32

Do you get the sense that New Zealand doesn’t invest in the major public infrastructure facilities like we used to? Previous generations built entire networks for rail, road, water and energy. Only Muldoon’s Think Big projects and the current ‘Roads of National Significance’ might com … Read more

Reprioritising infrastructure projects - NZIER Insight 26

The cost of Christchurch's devastating earthquakes means that the Government's prior promises to undertake specific infrastructure projects now have to be reviewed. As the Finance Ministers signalled, funding Christchurch's recovery will prompt 'a fairly hard look at our capital inves … Read more

Freight futures : long term sea freight scenarios

We explored the role of freight transport policy in the promotion of economic growth by conducting an initial examination of the specific aspects of sea freight movements in the New Zealand context both domestically and internationally. The question we wish to address is how can polic … Read more

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