Latest publications / Sector: Transport and infrastructure

Gentailer retail margin disclosure: What does it tell us?

A report to the Consumer Advocacy Council. Read more

Building a healthy future: The potential scale of investment in Crown-owned health infrastructure over the next thirty years

New Zealand Infrastructure Commission, Te Waihanga commissioned NZIER to model hospital building costs over the next thirty years. Read more

State highway network investments: Assessing the wider economic benefits

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The value of safety improvements - NZIER Insight 107

Economic analysis of safety programmes needs values to place on benefits such as preventing fatalities and injuries. Read more

How do Kiwis want buildings to perform during and after an earthquake?

A policy brief for NZSEE Project on Resilient Buildings. Read more

Location, location, location : The value of having a port in the neighbourhood

Ports of Auckland (POAL) has asked NZIER to estimate its economic impact. On average, POAL contributed $100 million per annum to its owners and $158 million per annum directly to the Auckland economy over the last five financial years. That Auckland is served by a port located in the … Read more

What price to relieve the gridlock? A non-technical guide to the road pricing implementation debate

The roading system in New Zealand is essential and its economic importance is clear. At any time of the day or night you might see different activities associated with construction, tourism, services, manufacturing and agriculture. This takes on new significance as we decarbonise the … Read more

Benefits from Auckland road decongestion

A report commissioned by the EMA, Auckland International Airport Ltd, Infrastructure NZ, Ports of Auckland Ltd and the National Road Carriers Association. Read more

The road less travelled - NZIER Insight 59

The announcement that central government is prepared to fund the construction of Auckland’s City Rail Link (CRL) has, once again, placed the issue of how to pay for infrastructure onto the public policy agenda. Read more

Disruption on the road ahead! How auto technology will change much more than just our commute to work

New transport technologies are transforming how we commute; creating major opportunities and risks to New Zealand's infrastructure investment Read more

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