Latest publications / Sector: Trade (2)

The value of Authorised Economic Operators (AEOs) and Mutual Recognition Agreements (MRAs)

NZIER prepared two reports for NZCS in March 2019. They showed the benefits of special Customs agreements that facilitate international trade. One report using a literature scan on these agreements globally, highlights benefits that are important but unmeasurable. The companion report … Read more

Distributional aspects of New Zealand's tradable and non-tradable sectors

A report for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Read more

NZIER submission on the Overseas Investment Amendment Bill

NZIER recently made a submission to the Finance and Expenditure Select Committee on proposed changes to the Overseas Investment Act to ban foreign buyers of existing New Zealand homes. Read more

China 2.0 - perspectives on China - NZIER Insight 73

China 2.0 - perspectives on China after the 19th Congress of the Communist Party. Read more

Is peak globalisation upon us? Working paper 2017/1

We examine the phenomenon of globalisation as it affects New Zealand. We look at its impact on New Zealand and ask whether it is a force which has had its day (peak globalisation) or is it continuing to morph and evolve. Read more

Perspectives on the US economy after 8 months of Trump - NZIER Insight 71

Bipartisan trade policy must be re-established to support Kiwi businesses, NZIER says A new research note from the New Zealand Institute of Economic Research (NZIER) recommends a return to New Zealand’s long-cherished bipartisan trade policy that has been damaged in recent years’ deba … Read more

The benefits of trade

A report for Export New Zealand. Read more

Quantifying the costs of non-tariff measures in the Asia-Pacific region: Initial estimates - NZIER public discussion paper 2016/4

Non-tariff barriers are costing Kiwi firms billions each year. Our new public discussion paper has estimated the cost of non-tariff measures (NTMs) on trade in the APEC region. It shows that New Zealand’s exporters face NTMs that impose costs of US$5.9 billion. Read more

Do you think you're better off alone? Impacts of Brexit on New Zealand - NZIER Insight 60

Recent polls suggest the chances of Brexit is a 50-50 call. This means we have to start contemplating what Brexit might mean for New Zealand. Read more

Bilateral Arbitration Treaty Regime : An economic analysis

Non-NZIER authors Metha Wongcharupan and Georgia Whelan. Read more

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