Latest publications / Sarah Hogan (2)

Hidden in plain sight: Optimising the allied health professions for better, more sustainable integrated care

Allied Health Aotearoa New Zealand (AHANZ) commissioned NZIER to examine the evidence and identify the critical changes that are key to designing a system with fully integrated allied health services aligned with the objectives of the health and disability system reforms. Read more

A critical missing ingredient: The case for increased dietetic input in tier 1 health services

Dietitians New Zealand commissioned NZIER to analyse the available data to estimate the supply of and need for dietetic input in publicly-funded health services for people with cancer, diabetes and mental illness, and to identify, in light of any identified unmet need, what the optima … Read more

The retail employment and tax costs of Class 4 gambling in New Zealand

NZIER’s report shows that Class 4 gambling expenditure could generate over $445m additional retail industry sales per annum, resulting in an extra 1,127 full-time equivalent jobs. Given that Class 4 gambling machines are concentrated in high deprivation areas, this preliminary analysi … Read more

The social and economic costs of stroke in New Zealand : 2020 update

Stroke continues to be a significant contributor to the burden of disease, particularly for Māori and Pacific people. The economic and social costs of stroke can be reduced with cost-effective interventions, but access continues to be a challenge. Read more

Pandemic uncertainty: NZIER points to key planning issues - NZIER Insight 85

New Zealand is approaching the end of the planned four-week lockdown which has brought about significant economic losses and, it appears, significant benefits in the form of lives saved. As the country now looks toward a relaxing of the COVID-19 Alert level and an uncertain future, we … Read more

New Zealand's pandemic response: Best practice or just a practice run? NZIER Insight 84

Using evidence from health and economic literature, health economists Sarah Hogan and Todd Krieble find that New Zealand should do more to prepare for pandemics and assist the Pacific Islands. New Zealand should not rely on travel bans which are likely to be ineffective. Read more

Community pharmaceuticals : Expenditure trends

NZIER report to Medicines New Zealand. Read more

Review of CBA advice to support budget initiatives

NZIER report to the Treasury on the impact of CBAx and lessons for future budget processes. Read more

Pharmac economic analysis and savings claims

In the 2017 financial year, PHARMAC claims to have achieved $52 million in savings for New Zealand. PHARMAC further claims that between 2005 and 2016, it saved the District Health Boards nearly $6 billion. Read more

Sugar taxes : a review of the evidence

A report for the Ministry of Health. Read more

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