Latest publications / Sarah Hogan

Fit for purpose: Teachers’ own learning experiences and lessons about standardisation from the health sector - NZIER Insight 112

In this Insight, we analyse anonymised NCEA data linked to later employment for the recent cohort of primary teachers to better understand what might be driving secondary students’ falling performance in maths and science. Our results show that one in four new primary teachers failed … Read more

Building a healthy future: The potential scale of investment in Crown-owned health infrastructure over the next thirty years

New Zealand Infrastructure Commission, Te Waihanga commissioned NZIER to model hospital building costs over the next thirty years. Read more

The silent transition: Understanding the impacts of menopause in New Zealand workplaces

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Hidden costs: The employment and income impacts of later prostate cancer diagnosis in New Zealand men

Using the IDI and propensity score matching methods, NZIER researched the extent to which early detection can reduce the negative employment and income impacts of prostate cancer for New Zealand men. Read more

Community pharmaceuticals : Expenditure trends

NZIER report to Medicines New Zealand. Read more

A question of trust - NZIER Insight 102

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Zooming into better work-life balance? Gender and equity insights from New Zealanders’ experiences with working from home

We assess the potential implications of the increasing trend towards working from home on wellbeing and career progression, particularly regarding the impact on women. Read more

Pacific uptake of temporary work visas

NZIER report to MFAT & MBIE. Read more

Transforming lives and saving money

A report to Kidney Health NZ. Read more

Declining maths scores is a problem for the New Zealand economy - NZIER Insight 98 & 99

New Zealand’s school maths scores are declining. A solution put forward the Royal Society expert panel commissioned to investigate our poor maths performance is an increase in specialist maths skills in the teaching profession. Although the education sector could increase teacher skil … Read more

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