Latest publications / Public Good publications (8)

Is dairy our biggest achievement or yesterday's news? NZIER Insight 91

The dairy industry has proved resilient through the COVID crisis. But what of the future? This paper looks at the dairy industry prospects over the next ten years. We find that the most important challenges are domestic supply side issues (conforming to climate change and water qualit … Read more

NZIER’s Shadow Board considers negative OCR unnecessary

We are continuing to seek our Shadow Board members’ views on whether the Official Cash Rate (OCR) should be negative and if the Reserve Bank should expand its quantitative easing (QE). Read more

Land-based industries see New Zealand through tough COVID times - NZIER Insight 90

Covid-19 has changed the trade game that New Zealand plays. With the structure of the New Zealand economy based on our exports the stakes are high. Now that New Zealand has shifted through the lockdown levels and arrived at Alert Level 1, it is a good time to ask why our land-based ex … Read more

Migration after COVID-19 - NZIER Insight 89

New Zealand has put up a 'no entry' sign. As well as stopping international tourism; we have turned off historically high rates of inward economic migration, forgoing what has been at best a small positive impact on GDP per capita. New Zealand closed the border in response to Covid-19 … Read more

NZIER’s Shadow Board continues to favour further QE over a negative OCR

There remains a wide range of views amongst the Shadow Board on whether more monetary policy stimulus is required, and in what form. Overall, the consensus amongst the Shadow Board is that more stimulus would be required over the next twelve months, with the majority favouring an expa … Read more

COVID-19: The recovery ahead - NZIER Insight 88

New Zealand has managed the COVID-19 outbreak with relative success, in terms of containing infection rates and deaths. This has seen New Zealand move down alert levels over the past few weeks as we achieved zero active cases, with restrictions relaxed but the border closed. However, … Read more

NZIER Consensus Forecasts shows growth outlook highly uncertain

The latest NZIER Consensus Forecasts showed an even greater degree of uncertainty over the growth outlook ahead. With New Zealand having eliminated the number of active cases of COVID-19 and moving to Alert Level 1 on 8 June, focus now turns to keeping imported cases at bay on the lon … Read more

Targeting support for rural communities in the COVID-19 recovery - NZIER Insight 86

No regions will escape the economic downturn, but some rural communities will face bigger impacts than others. NZIER looks at how to identify and target support at communities most affected by COVID-19. Read more

NZIER’s Shadow Board favours further QE over negative OCR

The significant changes in monetary policy implementation in recent weeks in response to the effects of the COVID-19 outbreak has led us to revamp the format of our Shadow Board reporting. The Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) on 16 March 2020 announced it was undertaking an emergenc … Read more

Pandemic uncertainty: NZIER points to key planning issues - NZIER Insight 85

New Zealand is approaching the end of the planned four-week lockdown which has brought about significant economic losses and, it appears, significant benefits in the form of lives saved. As the country now looks toward a relaxing of the COVID-19 Alert level and an uncertain future, we … Read more

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