Latest publications / Public Good publications (7)

Tourism recovery - without stepping on the gas - NZIER Insight 95

With borders closed for the foreseeable future New Zealand tourism is facing a loss of substantial revenue from the lack of foreign visitors, who would usually maintain demand for tourism businesses after the end of the peak summer holidays for domestic tourists. But after the COVID-1 … Read more

NZIER’s Shadow Board sees little need for further stimulus

In light of recent developments, we have once again revised the format of the views we are seeking from our Shadow Board on what the Reserve Bank should do with monetary policy. Given the Reserve Bank’s growing arsenal of monetary policy tools which includes the Official Cash Rate, qu … Read more

NZIER Consensus Forecasts show stronger near-term growth

The latest NZIER Consensus Forecasts show a substantial upward revision to growth forecasts over the coming year. The consensus is clearly for a ‘V’ shaped economy recovery in New Zealand. Read more

2020 Summer Reading List for the Prime Minister

This list was prepared as part of the NZIER Public Good programme, which carries out economic research and thinking aimed at promoting a better understanding of New Zealand’s important economic challenges. Read more

NZIER’s Shadow Board sees less need for further stimulus

We are continuing to seek our Shadow Board members’ views on whether the Official Cash Rate (OCR) should be negative and if the Reserve Bank should expand its quantitative easing (QE). Read more

COVID-19 - a historical perspective - NZIER Insight 94

Who will be the winners and losers from COVID-19? History says don't be presumptuous. Former Head of School of Government and economic historian Gary Hawke explains in the final of the NZIER COVID Insight series. Read more

Inflexibility a challenge for the agrifood sector - NZIER Insight 93

COVID-19 has proved challenging for the agri-food sector. From pasture to plate, farms and businesses in the agri-food sector have reported feeling squeezed between rising costs and lower prices. To explore the impacts of COVID-19 on the agri-food sector, NZIER collaborated with an Au … Read more

NZIER’s Shadow Board still favour QE over negative OCR for stimulus

We are continuing to seek our Shadow Board members’ views on whether the Official Cash Rate (OCR) should be negative and if the Reserve Bank should expand its quantitative easing (QE). Fewer Board members see further quantitative easing as appropriate over the coming year. This follow … Read more

NZIER Consensus Forecasts show a wide range of forecasts

The latest NZIER Consensus Forecasts continues to show a wide range of forecasts for the economy, reflecting a large degree of uncertainty over the growth outlook. The announcement on 11 August of new COVID-19 cases in the community, and the subsequent return of Auckland to Alert Leve … Read more

Regulators are the new diplomats - the role of IRC in a post-COVID world - NZIER Insight 92

New research shows that the New Zealand Government is deeply imbedded in a complex web of international regulatory cooperation (IRC) arrangements and agreements. Bilateral agreements with Australia predominate including regulatory harmonisation on food standards and the Trans Tasman M … Read more

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