Latest publications / Public Good publications (14)

The myth of the shrinking state? What does the data show about the size of the state in New Zealand?

The paper explores the urban myth that the economic reforms of the late 1980 and 1990s reduced the size of the state. It uses a variety of lenses – the state as taxer, spender, producer, employer, investor, and steward – to assess how the size and shape of the state has changed. It fi … Read more

Asia and Europe regulatory connectivity and coherence

This paper explores the wide range possible approaches to International Regulatory Co-operation (IRC) between Asia-Pacific and European countries. The paper highlights how practice, driven forward by initiatives such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership, is leading theory. Theory is laggi … Read more

Assessing forecast performance

The Reserve Bank today published a Bulletin article documenting the performance of the Bank’s forecasts over the period 2009 to 2015. Read more

Do you think you're better off alone? Impacts of Brexit on New Zealand - NZIER Insight 60

Recent polls suggest the chances of Brexit is a 50-50 call. This means we have to start contemplating what Brexit might mean for New Zealand. Read more

Bilateral Arbitration Treaty Regime : An economic analysis

Non-NZIER authors Metha Wongcharupan and Georgia Whelan. Read more

The road less travelled - NZIER Insight 59

The announcement that central government is prepared to fund the construction of Auckland’s City Rail Link (CRL) has, once again, placed the issue of how to pay for infrastructure onto the public policy agenda. Read more

The state of the state New Zealand 2016: Social investment for our future

A joint report by Deloitte and NZIER. Read more

The economics of TPP

A presentation to Sustainability Week. Read more

How would you spend a half-billion dollars on arts, culture and heritage? NZIER Insight 58

The government spends a half billion dollars on arts, culture and heritage each year but has little indication of what the public actually wants from public expenditure. At present mainly 'experts' decide what cultural goods and services should be supplied from the public purse. Read more

Time to reassess inflation targeting - NZIER Inisght 57

For over a generation, inflation targeting has been successful in managing inflation without reducing economic growth. But the economic environment is changing. No longer does the Reserve Bank need to lift rates to reduce demand. Today the Reserve Bank needs to deal with supply shocks … Read more

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