Latest publications / Public Good publications (11)

Clear as mud? Water is under pressure - NZIER Insight 78

As part of NZIER’s 60th birthday celebrations, the NZIER undertook with its own resources research to further understand New Zealanders concerns about water quality and found that river visibility (water clarity) was most valued by Kiwis. Read more

NZIER Consensus Forecasts shows growth outlook broadly unchanged

The latest NZIER Consensus Forecasts expects a growth outlook which is broadly unchanged from the previous quarter. Read more

Managing our fresh water: what are the options?

Presentation at NZIER’s 60th anniversary event,14 November 2018. Read more

Hiking prices and tourism funding : Are we on the right track? NZIER Insight 77

As Government prepares to introduce a border levy on incoming tourists and raise charges for foreign hikers on New Zealand’s Great Walks, we examine the reasons given for these measures and what alternative approaches might be taken? Read more

NZIER Consensus Forecasts shows a softer growth outlook

The latest NZIER Consensus Forecasts expects a slight downward revision to the growth outlook for the next two years. Read more

NZIER Consensus Forecasts shows a slightly softer growth outlook

The latest NZIER Consensus Forecasts expects a slight downward revision to the growth outlook for the next few years. Read more

NZIER Consensus Forecasts revises up growth outlook

The latest NZIER Consensus Forecasts expects a stronger growth outlook for the next few years. Read more

NZIER submission on the Overseas Investment Amendment Bill

NZIER recently made a submission to the Finance and Expenditure Select Committee on proposed changes to the Overseas Investment Act to ban foreign buyers of existing New Zealand homes. Read more

Social investment : a New Zealand policy experiment

Published by Bridget Williams Books (BWB). Read more

NZIER Consensus Forecasts shows softer growth outlook

The latest NZIER Consensus Forecasts expects a modestly softer growth outlook for the next few years. Overall, the growth outlook remains positive. Read more

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