Latest publications / Peter Wilson (2)

NZ's cannabis referendum 2020: Some facts and recommendations about the process of cannabis legalisation

A referendum this year will ask the public whether they support legalising the use of cannabis, accompanied by regulation, education and taxation. We recommended a similar approach in 2016, after concluding that prohibition of cannabis in New Zealand has been an expensive and failed a … Read more

Location, location, location : The value of having a port in the neighbourhood

Ports of Auckland (POAL) has asked NZIER to estimate its economic impact. On average, POAL contributed $100 million per annum to its owners and $158 million per annum directly to the Auckland economy over the last five financial years. That Auckland is served by a port located in the … Read more

Getting the balance right: The effect of water quality proposals on the New Zealand economy

NZIER report to the New Zealand Fish and Game Council, Forest and Bird and Greenpeace. Read more

Kia māia: Be bold, Improving the wellbeing of children living in poverty

Kiwis believe in giving people a fair go. Improving the wellbeing of children living in poverty fits with these values. Read more

Retirement income policies in Australia and New Zealand : facing the fiscal challenge from an ageing population

Chartered Accountants Australia & New Zealand have released a new report “Ageing Population: Do we understand and accept the challenge?”. That report draws on NZIER's research report. The NZIER report focused on the attitudes of Kiwis and Aussies to the challenges posed by an agei … Read more

Sugar taxes : a review of the evidence

A report for the Ministry of Health. Read more

Immigration : doing the right thing for the right reasons - NZIER Insight 76

The new Government's plans to reduce immigration are a welcome first step towards an immigration system that improves New Zealand's wellbeing, the New Zealand Institute of Economic Research said today. Read more

Keeping the bastards honest - NZIER Inisght 72

We think voters should be given better information about the fiscal consequences of political parties' election promises. We offer some observations and suggestions on how. Read more

There has to be a better way

If you ask a typical economist if migration is good for a country, they are likely to say yes. Read more

New Zealand fuel market financial performance study

This report was prepared jointly by Cognitus Economic Insight, Grant Thornton and NZIER for the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment. Read more

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