Latest publications / NZIER working paper

Lessons from across the Tasman:  Comparing the Australian and New Zealand retirement income systems - NZIER working paper 2024/01

Comparing Australia and New Zealand can provide useful lessons in many areas, and retirement income policy is no different. Read more

Let it go: Devolving power and resources to improve lives - NZIER working paper 2023/02

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Unmasking COVID-19’s economic impact: A data-driven analysis of the COVID-19 lockdowns - NZIER working paper 2023-01

COVID-19 has been one of the most significant disruptions to the global economy since the Global Financial Crisis and has changed how we operate. Some trends have returned to normal, but others have permanently changed. Read more

New Zealand's place in the world - NZIER working paper 2021-01

New Zealand's place in the world - including flows in trade, people, capital, and ideas - continues to change. This working paper highlights how some of the long-standing memes, which have dominated the local discourse no longer apply in a post-COVID world. In particular New Zealand's … Read more

The potential local and regional impacts of COVID-19 in New Zealand with a focus on tourism - NZIER Public Discussion Paper 2020/3

This working paper was prepared at NZIER by Christina Leung, Laëtitia Leroy de Morel, Glyn Wittwer (CoPS) and Dion Gämperle. It was presented at the 23rd Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis organised by GTAP (17–19 June 2020). Read more

What might US Withdrawal from the World Trade Organization (WTO) mean for New Zealand?

Modelling by NZIER suggests that New Zealand medium term exposure to US withdrawal from World Trade Organisation (WTO) is surprisingly limited. We modelled five different scenarios of global and New Zealand responses to the US imposing tariff rates last seen in the great depression. W … Read more

NZ's cannabis referendum 2020: Some facts and recommendations about the process of cannabis legalisation

A referendum this year will ask the public whether they support legalising the use of cannabis, accompanied by regulation, education and taxation. We recommended a similar approach in 2016, after concluding that prohibition of cannabis in New Zealand has been an expensive and failed a … Read more

Regulatory management toolkit

NZIER originally developed this toolkit in partnership with the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) and subsequently refined it with support from the Asian Productivity Organisation. The toolkit provides a framework for understanding the elements of the regulato … Read more

What price to relieve the gridlock? A non-technical guide to the road pricing implementation debate

The roading system in New Zealand is essential and its economic importance is clear. At any time of the day or night you might see different activities associated with construction, tourism, services, manufacturing and agriculture. This takes on new significance as we decarbonise the … Read more

Kia māia: Be bold, Improving the wellbeing of children living in poverty

Kiwis believe in giving people a fair go. Improving the wellbeing of children living in poverty fits with these values. Read more

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