Latest publications / Mike Hensen

Gentailer retail margin disclosure: What does it tell us?

A report to the Consumer Advocacy Council. Read more

Good regulatory design : Assessing the regulatory options for the Pharmacy Council and Medicines Control

A report for the Pharmacy Council. Read more

Retirement income policies in Australia and New Zealand : facing the fiscal challenge from an ageing population

Chartered Accountants Australia & New Zealand have released a new report “Ageing Population: Do we understand and accept the challenge?”. That report draws on NZIER's research report. The NZIER report focused on the attitudes of Kiwis and Aussies to the challenges posed by an agei … Read more

Powerco CPP application: Advice to MEUG for Commerce Commission submission

NZIER report to MEUG. Read more

Assessing the stock of regulation : a tool for regulatory stewards

This paper presents a new approach for systematically scanning the existing stock of a regulatory regime and identifying regulations that have a high likelihood of creating, rather than mitigating, market inefficiencies. Read more

Resetting life insurance - analysis of New Zealand market structure

NZIER report to Sovereign Insurance. Read more

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