Latest publications / Michael Bealing (2)

Wellbeing and productivity at work

A report for Xero. Read more

Economic potential of cloud-based business tools

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Better outcomes through increased access to physiotherapy

This report considers the opportunity of greater use of physiotherapy to contribute to better health and economic outcomes for those with low pain back pain, stroke, and osteoarthritis. These three conditions were selected as leading examples of the potential that physiotherapy could … Read more

Sustainable midwifery : Supporting improved wellbeing and greater equity

NZIER report to New Zealand College of Midwives. Read more

No one-size fits all : Driver education in schools

A report for the Ministry of Education. Read more

The economic impact of GS1: In retailing and wholesaling industries

GS1 commissioned NZIER to estimate the economic contribution of using GS1 standards in the retail and wholesale industries for the New Zealand economy. The research scope was limited to the macroeconomic effects of cost and labour productivity improvements in these industries. Read more

The economic contribution of the screen industry: 2017 update

A report to New Zealand Film Commission, Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage, New Zealand On Air, Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development, Wellington Regional Economic Development Agency. Read more

Falling from heights: Cost benefit analysis of scaffolding for single storey houses

A report commissioned by BRANZ and funded by the Building Research Levy. Read more

Benefits from Auckland road decongestion

A report commissioned by the EMA, Auckland International Airport Ltd, Infrastructure NZ, Ports of Auckland Ltd and the National Road Carriers Association. Read more

Valuing access to work

A report commissioned by the Blind Foundation for the Access Alliance. The Blind Foundation commissioned NZIER to analyse the economic impact of improved access for people with disabilities (PWD). Two scenarios were considered: - Scenario 1 models the impact of increasing employment a … Read more

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