Latest publications / Insights (6)

The high cost of (not) stopping people getting high - NZIER Insight 61

In this Insight, we bring the techniques of policy analysis to the issue of whether prohibition is the best way to reduce harm from using marijuana. Read more

Do you think you're better off alone? Impacts of Brexit on New Zealand - NZIER Insight 60

Recent polls suggest the chances of Brexit is a 50-50 call. This means we have to start contemplating what Brexit might mean for New Zealand. Read more

The road less travelled - NZIER Insight 59

The announcement that central government is prepared to fund the construction of Auckland’s City Rail Link (CRL) has, once again, placed the issue of how to pay for infrastructure onto the public policy agenda. Read more

How would you spend a half-billion dollars on arts, culture and heritage? NZIER Insight 58

The government spends a half billion dollars on arts, culture and heritage each year but has little indication of what the public actually wants from public expenditure. At present mainly 'experts' decide what cultural goods and services should be supplied from the public purse. Read more

Time to reassess inflation targeting - NZIER Inisght 57

For over a generation, inflation targeting has been successful in managing inflation without reducing economic growth. But the economic environment is changing. No longer does the Reserve Bank need to lift rates to reduce demand. Today the Reserve Bank needs to deal with supply shocks … Read more

New travel charge borderline at best - NZIER Insight 56

The Government wants to make travellers pay for the costs of border control but the border charge is a poor user charge and an inefficient tax: it will dampen services exports and hence economic growth more than other revenue raising options. If we need additional border control it wo … Read more

Robot nation? The impact of disruptive technologies on Kiwis - NZIER Insight 55

The pace of technological change is accelerating and the upcoming wave of automation may impact jobs and societies as much as occurred in the industrial revolution. That’s one finding of a new research paper produced for Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CAANZ) by the N … Read more

TPP an impressive achievement - NZIER Insight 54

Today’s announcement that the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement (TPP) has been concluded is good news for Kiwi firms and households. It’s not perfect, and the dairy sector in particular will naturally be frustrated. But TPP offers valuable benefits – and limited costs – across the e … Read more

El Niño: don't scare the cows - NZIER Insight 53

This summer will be a scorcher. MetService is forecasting the most severe El Niño in over 20 years. Past El Niño events have hit farmers hard and tipped New Zealand into recession. But farming today is not the farming of yesteryear and we need to examine local conditions one region at … Read more

Speed dating central bank style - NZIER Insight 52

From next year, the Reserve Bank will let go one chance each year to meet and set interest rates. That means the Reserve Bank could easily fall behind the run rate on the interest rate settings required to manage the economy. The Reserve Bank is also tweaking when they meet to try and … Read more

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