Latest publications / Insights (4)

Tourism beyond COVID-19 – is the future sustainable, local and green? NZIER Insight 87

The post-Covid Budget delivered some big numbers in offering support to help the economy recover from lockdown, but its effect still depends on how industry responds to government funded support. Much of the assistance seems aimed at restoring activity to its former levels, rather tha … Read more

Targeting support for rural communities in the COVID-19 recovery - NZIER Insight 86

No regions will escape the economic downturn, but some rural communities will face bigger impacts than others. NZIER looks at how to identify and target support at communities most affected by COVID-19. Read more

Pandemic uncertainty: NZIER points to key planning issues - NZIER Insight 85

New Zealand is approaching the end of the planned four-week lockdown which has brought about significant economic losses and, it appears, significant benefits in the form of lives saved. As the country now looks toward a relaxing of the COVID-19 Alert level and an uncertain future, we … Read more

New Zealand's pandemic response: Best practice or just a practice run? NZIER Insight 84

Using evidence from health and economic literature, health economists Sarah Hogan and Todd Krieble find that New Zealand should do more to prepare for pandemics and assist the Pacific Islands. New Zealand should not rely on travel bans which are likely to be ineffective. Read more

Recession : What are the chances? NZIER Insight 83

Talk that a recession could hit the global and New Zealand economies has ramped up in recent months. We look at some of the warning signs we should watch out for, and the tools available to combat the effects if a recession was to occur. We find that although the New Zealand economy i … Read more

Is the sky falling? NZIER Insight 82

Business confidence has decreased significantly over the last year. What does this tell us about the likely path of economic growth? Can we use this data to predict the next recession? Read more

Using big data and economics to understand and improve wellbeing - NZIER Insight 81

Wellbeing and data are increasingly at the heart of government policy-making. This Insight shows how economic explanations for behaviour, combined with large datasets, can inform policy. Read more

Robbing Peter to pay Paul: Okun's Law and labour market reform - NZIER Insight 80

With teachers striking, and New Zealand's first "Wellbeing Budget" about to be released, Robbing Peter to pay Paul: Okun's Law and labour market reform is a poignant reminder that competitive markets are the "welfare engines" of the economy. Okun's law illustrates how New Zealand's ec … Read more

What our housing conversations no longer say - NZIER Insight 79

New Zealand’s housing conversation has always been a metaphor for different things. Now houses are strictly investments. We have an obsession with them. Using data from DigitalNZ, this Insight looks at how the conversation about housing in New Zealand has changed over time. Read more

Clear as mud? Water is under pressure - NZIER Insight 78

As part of NZIER’s 60th birthday celebrations, the NZIER undertook with its own resources research to further understand New Zealanders concerns about water quality and found that river visibility (water clarity) was most valued by Kiwis. Read more

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