Latest publications / Insights (12)

Competition can raise value for public money - NZIER Insight 8

The public purse is used to purchase approximately $30 billion dollars of goods and services per year. Now more than ever, the fiscal situation demands central and local government departments spend wisely. One very effective way to ensure value for money in procurement processes is f … Read more

Border taxes: should New Zealand be worried? NZIER Insight 7

A number of countries are talking about introducing border taxes to protect their local industry from imports from countries that have no or soft policies to tackle climate change. This is a risk to New Zealand’s exports, but overseas consumer perceptions of the sustainability of good … Read more

NZ exports - more diverse than commonly thought - NZIER Insight 6

New Zealand businesses offer a wide range of products that are competitive in the global market. The days of New Zealand being the ‘market garden’ for the United Kingdom disappeared in the 1960’s. The size of our dairy and meat export portfolio can fool us into thinking that the non-f … Read more

Is there a housing shortage? NZIER Insight 5

Housing has been a key driver of the economy over recent years, both in creating strong growth and the recent recession. Recent house price, house sales and building consents data suggest the cycle is turning up, although there is considerable uncertainty around the sustainability of … Read more

Maximising the value of water - NZIER Insight 4

New Zealand policy makers are paying growing attention to the way that water is allocated. As with any scarce resource, there are economic benefits from ensuring that water is distributed optimally across society. This Insight outlines how New Zealand's freshwater resources are curren … Read more

The problem with procrastination - NZIER Insight 3

Why is getting up in the morning so hard? You set your alarm at night for 5am to get up and go to the gym before heading to work. But when the alarm goes off getting up no longer seems like such a good idea and you hit snooze. You get notice of your bonus for the month and resolve to … Read more

Emissions targets : balancing environmental and economic objectives - NZIER Insight 2

The Government is currently determining its policy for a 2020 greenhouse gas emissions target policy and is inviting public input. The outcomes of the emissions target policy will have real implications for New Zealand households and firms. As is often the case with climate change dis … Read more

US and EU dairy subsidies risks - NZIER Insight 1

New dairy subsidies are a worry for New Zealand farmers. Read more

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