Latest publications / Environment

Accelerating business investment in climate change mitigation and adaptation - NZIER Insight 117

Accelerating public and private investment in climate change mitigation and adaptation is key to future macroeconomic and business outcomes. Read more

Valuing the Hauraki Gulf: An ecosystem services and natural capital approach

The Hauraki Gulf Forum commissioned NZIER economists Peter Clough, Michael Bealing and Ting Huang to provide a top-down assessment of the Gulf’s natural capital using a Total Economic Value framework and an Ecosystem Services approach. Read more

Tourism recovery - without stepping on the gas - NZIER Insight 95

With borders closed for the foreseeable future New Zealand tourism is facing a loss of substantial revenue from the lack of foreign visitors, who would usually maintain demand for tourism businesses after the end of the peak summer holidays for domestic tourists. But after the COVID-1 … Read more

Clear as mud? Water is under pressure - NZIER Insight 78

As part of NZIER’s 60th birthday celebrations, the NZIER undertook with its own resources research to further understand New Zealanders concerns about water quality and found that river visibility (water clarity) was most valued by Kiwis. Read more

Managing our fresh water: what are the options?

Presentation at NZIER’s 60th anniversary event,14 November 2018. Read more

Economic impact analysis of 2050 emissions targets : A dynamic Computable General Equilibrium analysis

A report for the Ministry for the Environment. Read more

El Niño: don't scare the cows - NZIER Insight 53

This summer will be a scorcher. MetService is forecasting the most severe El Niño in over 20 years. Past El Niño events have hit farmers hard and tipped New Zealand into recession. But farming today is not the farming of yesteryear and we need to examine local conditions one region at … Read more

Valuing natural assets : essential for decision making

Decisions over whether or not to allow development of natural resources can have a major impact on peoples' lives. For some, a new development means job prospects and a higher standard of living. For others it means pollution, loss of native wildlife and a lower standard of living. Re … Read more

Economic assessment of Chatham Rock Phosphate : input to environmental impact assessment

Chatham Rock Phosphate is investigating a phosphate-mining project (the CRP project). NZIER have been asked to analyse the impacts of the CRP project on the New Zealand economy. This report documents an investigation of the economy-wide, monetary costs and benefits, with further consi … Read more

Flowing on from the NPS - NZIER Insight 28

The National Policy Statement (NPS) on Freshwater Management is a good first step, but it may leave local authorities in the dark about how to meet its intent. Read more

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