Latest publications / Client report (10)

Private health insurance : an expanding role in the future of health care?

Health care costs have been rising over many decades, and will continue to do so according to Treasury projections. Health care spending is taking up more and more of government spending and revenue - this cannot continue forever. In the future, there will be pressures to increase rev … Read more

Bespoke residential housing demand and construction innovation

NZIER report to BRANZ and the Building and Construction Productivity Partnership. Read more

2013 Western market visitor growth : what explains the increase in advanced-economy visitors?

A report to Tourism New Zealand. International arrivals to New Zealand in 2013 grew at the fastest pace in a decade. Visitor arrivals were up 6.1% boosted by a rebound across several advanced economies and good performance by emerging markets like China. Our analysis shows that New Ze … Read more

Construction productivity : an evidence base for research and policy issues

A report for the Building and Construction Sector Productivity Partnership. Read more

Economic assessment of Chatham Rock Phosphate : input to environmental impact assessment

Chatham Rock Phosphate is investigating a phosphate-mining project (the CRP project). NZIER have been asked to analyse the impacts of the CRP project on the New Zealand economy. This report documents an investigation of the economy-wide, monetary costs and benefits, with further consi … Read more

The economic impact of increased irrigation

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Freight futures : long term sea freight scenarios

We explored the role of freight transport policy in the promotion of economic growth by conducting an initial examination of the specific aspects of sea freight movements in the New Zealand context both domestically and internationally. The question we wish to address is how can polic … Read more

The creative sector in New Zealand - mapping and economic role

This report presents an analysis of the creative sector in New Zealand, applying the methodology that the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries and Innovation (CCI) calls the Creative Trident to New Zealand data. The objective is to see how much it r … Read more

CMDHB : health service needs and labour force projections - implications of a growing and ageing population

In 2005/2006 NZIER undertook a series of studies for Counties Manakau DHB, designed to create informed decisions behind actions to develop the Health Workforce in the DHB's area. The following reports have been published jointly by the DHB and the NZIER and can be accessed via the att … Read more

COOL revisited : benefit cost analysis of Country of Origin Labelling : discussion draft for Food Standards Australia and New Zealand

This report revises a previous analysis of benefits and costs of implementing proposal P292 on Country of Origin Labelling (CoOL) in light of revision of the options for implementation, and information gained from new submissions and consultations with affected parties. It has been co … Read more

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