Latest publications / Chris Nixon (2)

Land-based industries see New Zealand through tough COVID times - NZIER Insight 90

Covid-19 has changed the trade game that New Zealand plays. With the structure of the New Zealand economy based on our exports the stakes are high. Now that New Zealand has shifted through the lockdown levels and arrived at Alert Level 1, it is a good time to ask why our land-based ex … Read more

Economic impacts of 2019 Review of Sustainability Measures - East Coast Tarakihi : A Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) analysis and forecast model

NZIER report to New Zealand Fisheries. Read more

What price to relieve the gridlock? A non-technical guide to the road pricing implementation debate

The roading system in New Zealand is essential and its economic importance is clear. At any time of the day or night you might see different activities associated with construction, tourism, services, manufacturing and agriculture. This takes on new significance as we decarbonise the … Read more

The importance of crop protection products for the New Zealand economy

A report for Agcarm. This report highlights the importance of the crop protection industry to New Zealand's economy. It's a small robust industry that has a significant impact on our land-based sectors. Even a small increase in horticultural productivity has a ripple effect in boostin … Read more

Clear as mud? Water is under pressure - NZIER Insight 78

As part of NZIER’s 60th birthday celebrations, the NZIER undertook with its own resources research to further understand New Zealanders concerns about water quality and found that river visibility (water clarity) was most valued by Kiwis. Read more

Is peak globalisation upon us? Working paper 2017/1

We examine the phenomenon of globalisation as it affects New Zealand. We look at its impact on New Zealand and ask whether it is a force which has had its day (peak globalisation) or is it continuing to morph and evolve. Read more

Plantation forestry statistics : contribution of forestry to New Zealand

NZIER report to New Zealand Forest Growers Association and New Zealand Farm Foresters Association funded by the Forest Growers Levy Trust Read more

Durable policy approaches: framework development and brief literature review - NZIER public discussion paper 2016/2

NZIER, as part of its public good programme, explores important policy issues that have emerged from our economic analysis and advice. Read more

Bilateral Arbitration Treaty Regime : An economic analysis

Non-NZIER authors Metha Wongcharupan and Georgia Whelan. Read more

Water management in New Zealand: A road map for understanding water value - NZIER Working Paper 2014/01

Flexibility, social values key to solving water issues A lack of understanding about the value communities place on water is hampering decision-making, according to a new report from NZIER. Read more

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