Latest publications / CGE modelling

Workforce forecasts for 2032 : Based on three future scenarios

Two reports for the Minstry for Primary Industries. Read more

Economic impact of Uber Eats: Assessing the impact of Uber Eats on the restaurant sector and the wider New Zealand economy

Uber Eats commissioned NZIER to undertake analysis on the economic contribution of Uber Eats to the New Zealand economy, particularly with regards to participating restaurants.This analysis provides information about the benefits to different industries across New Zealand regions from … Read more

The potential local and regional impacts of COVID-19 in New Zealand with a focus on tourism - NZIER Public Discussion Paper 2020/3

This working paper was prepared at NZIER by Christina Leung, Laëtitia Leroy de Morel, Glyn Wittwer (CoPS) and Dion Gämperle. It was presented at the 23rd Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis organised by GTAP (17–19 June 2020). Read more

What might US Withdrawal from the World Trade Organization (WTO) mean for New Zealand?

Modelling by NZIER suggests that New Zealand medium term exposure to US withdrawal from World Trade Organisation (WTO) is surprisingly limited. We modelled five different scenarios of global and New Zealand responses to the US imposing tariff rates last seen in the great depression. W … Read more

Economic potential of cloud-based business tools

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Economic impacts of 2019 Review of Sustainability Measures - East Coast Tarakihi : A Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) analysis and forecast model

NZIER report to New Zealand Fisheries. Read more

Location, location, location : The value of having a port in the neighbourhood

Ports of Auckland (POAL) has asked NZIER to estimate its economic impact. On average, POAL contributed $100 million per annum to its owners and $158 million per annum directly to the Auckland economy over the last five financial years. That Auckland is served by a port located in the … Read more

The value of Authorised Economic Operators (AEOs) and Mutual Recognition Agreements (MRAs)

NZIER prepared two reports for NZCS in March 2019. They showed the benefits of special Customs agreements that facilitate international trade. One report using a literature scan on these agreements globally, highlights benefits that are important but unmeasurable. The companion report … Read more

The importance of crop protection products for the New Zealand economy

A report for Agcarm. This report highlights the importance of the crop protection industry to New Zealand's economy. It's a small robust industry that has a significant impact on our land-based sectors. Even a small increase in horticultural productivity has a ripple effect in boostin … Read more

The economic impact of GS1: In retailing and wholesaling industries

GS1 commissioned NZIER to estimate the economic contribution of using GS1 standards in the retail and wholesale industries for the New Zealand economy. The research scope was limited to the macroeconomic effects of cost and labour productivity improvements in these industries. Read more

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