Latest publications / Adrian Katz

Aotearoa New Zealand in 2050: Preparing our retirement income policy for the future

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How could generative AI transform our economy? Part 2: Future developments and policy responses - NZIER Insight 120

Generative AI is set to have profound effects on the global economy. But what does it mean for New Zealand? Read more

How could generative AI transform our economy? Part 1: Economic theories and emerging evidence - NZIER Insight 119

With the rapid spread of ChatGPT over the past two years, generative artificial intelligence (AI) is taking the world by storm. Read more

Lessons from across the Tasman:  Comparing the Australian and New Zealand retirement income systems - NZIER working paper 2024/01

Comparing Australia and New Zealand can provide useful lessons in many areas, and retirement income policy is no different. Read more

A price on time: Rethinking the public sector discount rate - NZIER Insight 114

The public sector discount rate plays a key role in cost-benefit analysis and government decision making. This Insight is aimed at public sector workers who would like to gain a deeper understanding of the discount rate. It provides an overview of the discount rate, including how it i … Read more

A landmark reborn: The value of Christ Church Cathedral

Christ Church Cathedral Reinstatement Limited (CCRL) commissioned NZIER to estimate the total economic value of reinstating Christ Church Cathedral and make the case for further investment. In this report, we identify, quantify and monetise the benefits of reinstating Christ Church Ca … Read more

Housing availability and affordability - NZIER Insight 111

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