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COOL revisited : benefit cost analysis of Country of Origin Labelling : discussion draft for Food Standards Australia and New Zealand

This report revises a previous analysis of benefits and costs of implementing proposal P292 on Country of Origin Labelling (CoOL) in light of revision of the options for implementation, and information gained from new submissions and consultations with affected parties. It has been co … Read more

The economic benefits of Sister City relationships : report to Sister Cities New Zealand

A study of the economic benefits of sister city relationships in New Zealand. This project involved a scoping survey of 26 local authorities, followed by in-depth case studies of 5 local authorities. A set of best practice guidelines for enhancing the generation of economic benefits f … Read more

Bio-pharmaceuticals - a pathway to economic growth?

Report to the Researched Medicines Industry. This project aims to investigate the possible contribution of the pharmaceutical industry to the development of the bio-pharmaceutical industry in New . Part I Background and theory is by Chris Nixon and Stephen Gale, and Part II The New Ze … Read more

Should we have free trade between Australia and New Zealand? Dicussion paper no. 1

The' object of this paper is not to suggest how we may narrow the trade deficit of New Zealand with Australia, but to examine possible changes in trade policies with the objects of improving the efficiency of the two economies, speeding up rates of growth, and improving the standards … Read more

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