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Is there a housing shortage? NZIER Insight 5

Housing has been a key driver of the economy over recent years, both in creating strong growth and the recent recession. Recent house price, house sales and building consents data suggest the cycle is turning up, although there is considerable uncertainty around the sustainability of … Read more

Maximising the value of water - NZIER Insight 4

New Zealand policy makers are paying growing attention to the way that water is allocated. As with any scarce resource, there are economic benefits from ensuring that water is distributed optimally across society. This Insight outlines how New Zealand's freshwater resources are curren … Read more

The problem with procrastination - NZIER Insight 3

Why is getting up in the morning so hard? You set your alarm at night for 5am to get up and go to the gym before heading to work. But when the alarm goes off getting up no longer seems like such a good idea and you hit snooze. You get notice of your bonus for the month and resolve to … Read more

Emissions targets : balancing environmental and economic objectives - NZIER Insight 2

The Government is currently determining its policy for a 2020 greenhouse gas emissions target policy and is inviting public input. The outcomes of the emissions target policy will have real implications for New Zealand households and firms. As is often the case with climate change dis … Read more

US and EU dairy subsidies risks - NZIER Insight 1

New dairy subsidies are a worry for New Zealand farmers. Read more

The creative sector in New Zealand - mapping and economic role

This report presents an analysis of the creative sector in New Zealand, applying the methodology that the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries and Innovation (CCI) calls the Creative Trident to New Zealand data. The objective is to see how much it r … Read more

The evolving institute - NZIER 1958-2008

Fifty years of the New Zealand Institute of Economic Research. Read more

Does New Zealand have a household saving crisis?  NZIER working paper 2007-01

There is a lot of public concern over household saving in New Zealand. Rising household debt, negative and declining household saving rate, persistent and large current account deficit, heavy reliance on foreign borrowing, “worst savers in the OECD” or claims of similar spirits have r … Read more

Looking at the numbers

RM no. 69 by Phil Briggs, 2003 [print only] $20.00 plus gst. Updated August 2007 by Peter Bailey Updated June 2016 by NZIER Read more

CMDHB : health service needs and labour force projections - implications of a growing and ageing population

In 2005/2006 NZIER undertook a series of studies for Counties Manakau DHB, designed to create informed decisions behind actions to develop the Health Workforce in the DHB's area. The following reports have been published jointly by the DHB and the NZIER and can be accessed via the att … Read more

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