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Big city life? Challenges and trade-offs for Auckland city

Auckland is on the move. Economic growth is outpacing most regions and people continue to flow into the city. This is putting pressure on the shape of Auckland city and the form of housing and transport infrastructure. So it's not surprising that Auckland is revising its planning for … Read more

2013 Western market visitor growth : what explains the increase in advanced-economy visitors?

A report to Tourism New Zealand. International arrivals to New Zealand in 2013 grew at the fastest pace in a decade. Visitor arrivals were up 6.1% boosted by a rebound across several advanced economies and good performance by emerging markets like China. Our analysis shows that New Ze … Read more

Water management in New Zealand: A road map for understanding water value - NZIER Working Paper 2014/01

Flexibility, social values key to solving water issues A lack of understanding about the value communities place on water is hampering decision-making, according to a new report from NZIER. Read more

Time to revise the TWI to reflect modern New Zealand's export profile - NZIER Insight 45

People are worried about the damage the strengthening exchange rate might be doing to the export sector, but the headline exchange rate measures don't capture burgeoning emerging market trade. Read more

Migrants increase our incomes - NZIER Insight 44

A new Insight from the New Zealand Institute of Economic Research (NZIER) shows that increasing net migration would lift incomes not just for immigrants but for the native population. An additional 40,000 people a year for 10 years increases GDP per capita by a chunky $410 a year. "A … Read more

Construction productivity : an evidence base for research and policy issues

A report for the Building and Construction Sector Productivity Partnership. Read more

Fighting fit? Assessing New Zealand's fiscal sustainability

New Zealand faces a huge fiscal cost from an ageing population so we need to start making tough fiscal decisions now. We have the room to make adjustments and history shows our politicians do respond to increases in debt by adjusting taxes or spending. The sooner changes are made, the … Read more

NZ petrol prices reflect input costs not gouging - NZIER Insight 43

Often motorists complain that petrol companies are quick to raise petrol prices at the pump but then conspire to drop prices slowly when international oil prices fall. Like in any efficient market, changes in the cost of oil - both up and down - should be passed on to consumers rapidl … Read more

Should a board set interest rates? Not if it compromises monetary policy objectives - NZIER Insight 42

The Greens' idea to use the Reserve Bank Board to make monetary policy might improve decision-making but using a board designed to represent industry, risks compromising the Reserve Bank's independence and the goals of monetary policy. Read more

Appraising transport strategies that induce land use changes : estimating benefits of long-term land use change from standard transport model outputs

This paper develops a cost-benefit appraisal (CBA) methodology to apply to infrastructure strategies that are expected to induce long-run change to land use, population and economic activity ('land use' for short). Read more

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