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Private health insurance : an expanding role in the future of health care?

Health care costs have been rising over many decades, and will continue to do so according to Treasury projections. Health care spending is taking up more and more of government spending and revenue - this cannot continue forever. In the future, there will be pressures to increase rev … Read more

Trans-Tasman relationship close, but could be closer - NZIER Inisght 50

New Zealand and Australia share many things: a tariff-free border, a free labour market, joint institutions, hosting rights to the Cricket World Cup 2015 (go the Black Caps!) and a mutual distaste for English rugby. Ahead of the 10th Australia-New Zealand Leadership Forum in Auckland … Read more

Disruption on the road ahead! How auto technology will change much more than just our commute to work

New transport technologies are transforming how we commute; creating major opportunities and risks to New Zealand's infrastructure investment Read more

Funding the world's most liveable city: the missing third leg? NZIER Insight 49

Auckland's potential will only be unlocked if investment funding can be found to deal with infrastructure bottlenecks. This Insight explores the role of private capital in funding Auckland's infrastructure. It concludes that greater effort to attract private capital through the provis … Read more

Bespoke residential housing demand and construction innovation

NZIER report to BRANZ and the Building and Construction Productivity Partnership. Read more

The power of price - NZIER Insight 48

This week Auckland Council presented two options for raising additional funding for land transport projects - introducing user-charges to use the motorway network, or increasing rates and fuel taxes. NZIER welcomes the opportunity to publicly debate road pricing. We see user-charges a … Read more

Costly investment decisions require improved population forecasts - NZIER Insight 47

Investing wisely today for the New Zealand of tomorrow requires a detailed understanding of how many people there will be and where we will work and live. Billions of dollars of infrastructure spending are at stake. Yet past estimates of New Zealand's population, on which these invest … Read more

The home affordability challenge : suite of policy reforms needed in New Zealand

Fixation with home ownership causing economic and social despair Read more

Regional economies : shape, performance and drivers

Divergence and the search for a solution Economic performance is uneven across New Zealand’s regions. For example, there are differences across household incomes, unemployment and population growth in the latest Census. Read more

The Bank of England's new approach to mortgage restrictions better targeted than LVR policy - NZIER Insight 46

Just last week Mark Carney, the Governor of the Bank of England, tightened the rules on mortgage lending in the United Kingdom. Now loans set at more than 4.5 times income can make up only 15 percent of new mortgage lending. We like this approach to financial stability because it dire … Read more

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