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Impact of the Cawthron Institute: economic contribution to Nelson and New Zealand

Report for the Cawthron Institute Read more

Robot nation? The impact of disruptive technologies on Kiwis - NZIER Insight 55

The pace of technological change is accelerating and the upcoming wave of automation may impact jobs and societies as much as occurred in the industrial revolution. That’s one finding of a new research paper produced for Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CAANZ) by the N … Read more

Disruptive technologies : risks, opportunities and New Zealand's ability to make the most of them

A report for Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CAANZ). Read more

TPP an impressive achievement - NZIER Insight 54

Today’s announcement that the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement (TPP) has been concluded is good news for Kiwi firms and households. It’s not perfect, and the dairy sector in particular will naturally be frustrated. But TPP offers valuable benefits – and limited costs – across the e … Read more

The price is right : land prices can help guide land use regulation

House prices continue to reach new heights, pricing many younger families out of home ownership and reducing the capacity for some cities to accommodate productive workers. Land supply, initially carefully planned to keep up with demographic forecasts, has been crimped by a combinatio … Read more

El Niño: don't scare the cows - NZIER Insight 53

This summer will be a scorcher. MetService is forecasting the most severe El Niño in over 20 years. Past El Niño events have hit farmers hard and tipped New Zealand into recession. But farming today is not the farming of yesteryear and we need to examine local conditions one region at … Read more

Speed dating central bank style - NZIER Insight 52

From next year, the Reserve Bank will let go one chance each year to meet and set interest rates. That means the Reserve Bank could easily fall behind the run rate on the interest rate settings required to manage the economy. The Reserve Bank is also tweaking when they meet to try and … Read more

KiwiSaver and the wealth of New Zealanders : NZIER perspective on the joint agency evaluation report

Since its inception in 2007, KiwiSaver has become by far the most widely-held voluntary private savings vehicle in New Zealand. There are now over 2.5 million individual members in the scheme, and three-quarters of the population aged 18 to 64 are members. Prior to the introduction of … Read more

The Auckland Māori economy : size, issues and opportunities

The Auckland Māori economy accounts for 4%-5% of the Auckland economy, and 26%-27% of the national Māori economy. The Auckland Māori economy is smaller than might be expected, given that the Māori population accounts for 10% of Aucklanders. Māori GDP per capita is 55%-65% lower than t … Read more

Sitting down on the job - NZIER Insight 51

New Zealand is now one of the most obese countries in the world. The impact on our health comes with substantial economic costs. A range of factors are known to be important, with changes in diet being fingered as one of the culprits. Another less obvious factor is that the economic t … Read more

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