Latest publications

Growing up in Auckland? Mapping drivers of residential land growth

In this paper we decomposed growth in residential land into population growth, household size, and land use per capita. We found that the growth in residential land between 1996 and 2013 was identical to the rate of population growth: 28%. Population density has not change significant … Read more

Digital Nation New Zealand : from a tech sector to digital nation

A report for NZTech. Read more

Assessing forecast performance

The Reserve Bank today published a Bulletin article documenting the performance of the Bank’s forecasts over the period 2009 to 2015. Read more

Do you think you're better off alone? Impacts of Brexit on New Zealand - NZIER Insight 60

Recent polls suggest the chances of Brexit is a 50-50 call. This means we have to start contemplating what Brexit might mean for New Zealand. Read more

Durable policy approaches: framework development and brief literature review - NZIER public discussion paper 2016/2

NZIER, as part of its public good programme, explores important policy issues that have emerged from our economic analysis and advice. Read more

Addressing critical gaps in the government’s open data investments - a Public Good Programme study

Big data – the application of large dataset to generate new insights about how to solve complex problems – has the potential to generate transformational change. New Zealand, like other Governments, has a number of initiatives currently underway to open up New Zealand government-held … Read more

Bilateral Arbitration Treaty Regime : An economic analysis

Non-NZIER authors Metha Wongcharupan and Georgia Whelan. Read more

The road less travelled - NZIER Insight 59

The announcement that central government is prepared to fund the construction of Auckland’s City Rail Link (CRL) has, once again, placed the issue of how to pay for infrastructure onto the public policy agenda. Read more

Assessing the stock of regulation : a tool for regulatory stewards

This paper presents a new approach for systematically scanning the existing stock of a regulatory regime and identifying regulations that have a high likelihood of creating, rather than mitigating, market inefficiencies. Read more

Resetting life insurance - analysis of New Zealand market structure

NZIER report to Sovereign Insurance. Read more

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