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Is it finally time to reduce the number of district health boards? NZIER Insight 69

New Zealand has 20 district health boards (DHBs) for a population of less than 5 million. Because of a lack of transparency, we do not know the costs of administering DHBs. But prima facie evidence suggests it is time to consolidate DHBs and free up administrative resources to use for … Read more

Valuing access to work

A report commissioned by the Blind Foundation for the Access Alliance. The Blind Foundation commissioned NZIER to analyse the economic impact of improved access for people with disabilities (PWD). Two scenarios were considered: - Scenario 1 models the impact of increasing employment a … Read more

Plantation forestry statistics : contribution of forestry to New Zealand

NZIER report to New Zealand Forest Growers Association and New Zealand Farm Foresters Association funded by the Forest Growers Levy Trust Read more

NZIER Consensus Forecasts says growth outlook still solid

The latest NZIER Consensus Forecasts shows growth forecasts have been revised up from 2018, while inflation forecasts are broadly unchanged relative to the previous quarter. Read more

Dairy trade's economic contribution to New Zealand

A report for DCANZ. Read more

Why Mexico won't pay for Trump's wall - NZIER Insight 68

President Trump's plan to "make Mexico pay" for his border wall by potentially imposing a 20% tariff on all US imports from Mexico ignores basic economics. US households - and particularly low- to middle-class households - will end up bearing the brunt of these tariffs, and both the U … Read more

Defining social investment, Kiwi-style

The current New Zealand Government is following a “social investment” approach to improving the lives of disadvantaged New Zealanders. The background to this approach is widespread agreement that for a small proportion of New Zealanders, improved economic performance has not been refl … Read more

Social investment - new right agenda or new wine in old bottles? NZIER Insight 67

Social investment is the new Prime Minister’s signature policy The Prime Minister, in his first press conference, signalled his commitment to continuing to drive the government’s ‘social investment approach’ and followed this up with the appointment of Amy Adams as the first ever Mini … Read more

Pacific economic trends and snapshot 2016

A report for the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment. Read more

Pacific Cultural Centre feasibility study

The Ministry of Pacific Peoples (MPP) wishes to explore the feasibility of establishing a dedicated multi-purpose Pacific Culture Centre (PCC) facility in Auckland. Through such a viable multi-purpose facility, MPP is seeking to support the preservation and promotion of diverse Pacifi … Read more

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