Latest publications

Ashburton Labour Force Plan : Assessing Ashburton's labour force and addressing its labour shortages

NZIER was asked by the Ashburton District Council to assess the Ashburton labour force, and to develop a Labour Force Plan that addresses labour shortages. Read more

Managing our fresh water: what are the options?

Presentation at NZIER’s 60th anniversary event,14 November 2018. Read more

Hiking prices and tourism funding : Are we on the right track? NZIER Insight 77

As Government prepares to introduce a border levy on incoming tourists and raise charges for foreign hikers on New Zealand’s Great Walks, we examine the reasons given for these measures and what alternative approaches might be taken? Read more

Review of CBA advice to support budget initiatives

NZIER report to the Treasury on the impact of CBAx and lessons for future budget processes. Read more

Pharmac economic analysis and savings claims

In the 2017 financial year, PHARMAC claims to have achieved $52 million in savings for New Zealand. PHARMAC further claims that between 2005 and 2016, it saved the District Health Boards nearly $6 billion. Read more

International regulatory cooperation: Case studies and lessons learnt

A report for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment. Read more

NZIER Consensus Forecasts shows a softer growth outlook

The latest NZIER Consensus Forecasts expects a slight downward revision to the growth outlook for the next two years. Read more

Distributional aspects of New Zealand's tradable and non-tradable sectors

A report for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Read more

Annual report 2018

NZIER's Annual report for 2018 Read more

Economic impact analysis of 2050 emissions targets : A dynamic Computable General Equilibrium analysis

A report for the Ministry for the Environment. Read more

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