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NZIER Consensus Forecasts shows lower growth outlook

The latest NZIER Consensus Forecasts shows a slightly lower growth outlook, relative to the previous quarter. Read more

Economic impact of ending new oil and gas exploration permits outside onshore Taranaki : A regional CGE analysis

A report for PEPANZ. Read more

NZIER’s Shadow Board more certain that OCR should remain unchanged

NZIER’s Monetary Policy Shadow Board’s view on the Official Cash Rate (OCR) continues to be firmly on no change ahead of the Reserve Bank’s Monetary Policy Statement on Wednesday. Read more

Clear as mud? Water is under pressure - NZIER Insight 78

As part of NZIER’s 60th birthday celebrations, the NZIER undertook with its own resources research to further understand New Zealanders concerns about water quality and found that river visibility (water clarity) was most valued by Kiwis. Read more

Community pharmaceuticals : Expenditure trends

NZIER report to Medicines New Zealand. Read more

The macroeconomic impacts of the One Plan's intensive land use provisions

A report for Horizons Regional Council. Read more

How does the dairy sector share its growth? : An analysis of the flow-on benefits of dairy's revenue generation

A report to Dairy Companies Association of New Zealand (DCANZ). Read more

NZIER Consensus Forecasts shows growth outlook broadly unchanged

The latest NZIER Consensus Forecasts expects a growth outlook which is broadly unchanged from the previous quarter. Read more

The Fiscal Responsibility Act 1994: The astonishing success of a weak non-binding policy

The Fiscal Responsibility Act 1994 (FRA) shouldn’t have worked to cement fiscal discipline into the New Zealand budgeting practices, the wider political discourse and become part of New Zealand’s constitution. Read more

Analysis of early learning online survey results

A report for the Ministry of Education. Read more

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