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NZIER Consensus Forecasts shows lower growth outlook

The latest NZIER Consensus Forecasts shows a softer near-term growth outlook, relative to the previous quarter. Read more

Using big data and economics to understand and improve wellbeing - NZIER Insight 81

Wellbeing and data are increasingly at the heart of government policy-making. This Insight shows how economic explanations for behaviour, combined with large datasets, can inform policy. Read more

Robbing Peter to pay Paul: Okun's Law and labour market reform - NZIER Insight 80

With teachers striking, and New Zealand's first "Wellbeing Budget" about to be released, Robbing Peter to pay Paul: Okun's Law and labour market reform is a poignant reminder that competitive markets are the "welfare engines" of the economy. Okun's law illustrates how New Zealand's ec … Read more

Kia māia: Be bold, Improving the wellbeing of children living in poverty

Kiwis believe in giving people a fair go. Improving the wellbeing of children living in poverty fits with these values. Read more

Quantifying Māori spend on tobacco, alcohol & gambling

NZIER report prepared for the Centre of Research Excellence: Indigenous Sovereignty & Smoking as part of a programme of research supported by a grant from the Foundation for a Smoke-Free World, Inc. Read more

Good regulatory design : Assessing the regulatory options for the Pharmacy Council and Medicines Control

A report for the Pharmacy Council. Read more

NZIER’s Shadow Board still recommends the OCR be kept on hold

NZIER’s Monetary Policy Shadow Board continues to remain of the view that the OCR should not be changed at the Reserve Bank’s Monetary Policy Statement on Wednesday. However, there has been an increase in easing bias relative to the previous OCR decision. Read more

What our housing conversations no longer say - NZIER Insight 79

New Zealand’s housing conversation has always been a metaphor for different things. Now houses are strictly investments. We have an obsession with them. Using data from DigitalNZ, this Insight looks at how the conversation about housing in New Zealand has changed over time. Read more

From Sister to Global Cities The economics of New Zealand's Sister Cities

A study of the economic benefits of sister city relationships in New Zealand. This project involved a scoping survey of 26 local authorities, followed by in-depth case studies of 5 local authorities. A set of best practice guidelines for enhancing the generation of economic benefits f … Read more

NZIER’s Shadow Board continues to recommend unchanged OCR

NZIER’s Monetary Policy Shadow Board continues to remain firmly of the view that the OCR should not be changed ahead of the Reserve Bank’s OCR Review on Wednesday. Read more

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