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Economic impacts of 2019 Review of Sustainability Measures - East Coast Tarakihi : A Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) analysis and forecast model

NZIER report to New Zealand Fisheries. Read more

Recession : What are the chances? NZIER Insight 83

Talk that a recession could hit the global and New Zealand economies has ramped up in recent months. We look at some of the warning signs we should watch out for, and the tools available to combat the effects if a recession was to occur. We find that although the New Zealand economy i … Read more

Location, location, location : The value of having a port in the neighbourhood

Ports of Auckland (POAL) has asked NZIER to estimate its economic impact. On average, POAL contributed $100 million per annum to its owners and $158 million per annum directly to the Auckland economy over the last five financial years. That Auckland is served by a port located in the … Read more

The value of Authorised Economic Operators (AEOs) and Mutual Recognition Agreements (MRAs)

NZIER prepared two reports for NZCS in March 2019. They showed the benefits of special Customs agreements that facilitate international trade. One report using a literature scan on these agreements globally, highlights benefits that are important but unmeasurable. The companion report … Read more

Waste levy extension: estimates of extending and raising the levy

This report was commissioned by the Ministry for the Environment to help assess potential options for changes to the existing landfill levy, which is established under the Waste Minimisation Act 2008. Read more

Regulatory management toolkit

NZIER originally developed this toolkit in partnership with the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) and subsequently refined it with support from the Asian Productivity Organisation. The toolkit provides a framework for understanding the elements of the regulato … Read more

2019 Summer Reading List for the Prime Minister

This list recommends books that we hope the Prime Minister, her advisors, and anyone interested in economics and public policy, will find both informative and enjoyable to read. Read more

NZIER’s Shadow Board remains divided on where OCR should be

The range of views amongst the NZIER Policy Shadow Board on the appropriate level of the OCR at the Monetary Policy Statement (MPS) release on Wednesday has widened since September. Shadow Board members, on average, still called for the OCR to be kept on hold, but there was an increas … Read more

No one-size fits all : Driver education in schools

A report for the Ministry of Education. Read more

NZIER’s Shadow Board divided on where OCR should be

There has been increased divergence in views amongst the NZIER Monetary Policy Shadow Board on what the OCR should be at the OCR Review this Wednesday. This widening in the range of views follows the Reserve Bank’s surprise decision to cut the OCR by 50 basis points at its August meet … Read more

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