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NZIER’s Shadow Board favours further QE over negative OCR

The significant changes in monetary policy implementation in recent weeks in response to the effects of the COVID-19 outbreak has led us to revamp the format of our Shadow Board reporting. The Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) on 16 March 2020 announced it was undertaking an emergenc … Read more

NZ's cannabis referendum 2020: Some facts and recommendations about the process of cannabis legalisation

A referendum this year will ask the public whether they support legalising the use of cannabis, accompanied by regulation, education and taxation. We recommended a similar approach in 2016, after concluding that prohibition of cannabis in New Zealand has been an expensive and failed a … Read more

Pandemic uncertainty: NZIER points to key planning issues - NZIER Insight 85

New Zealand is approaching the end of the planned four-week lockdown which has brought about significant economic losses and, it appears, significant benefits in the form of lives saved. As the country now looks toward a relaxing of the COVID-19 Alert level and an uncertain future, we … Read more

NZIER Consensus Forecasts shows growth outlook highly uncertain

Note: Consensus Forecasts were finalised prior to the Reserve Bank of New Zealand’s emergency OCR cut of 75bp which was announced at 8am this morning. Read more

Sustainable midwifery : Supporting improved wellbeing and greater equity

NZIER report to New Zealand College of Midwives. Read more

Estimating demand for competition analysis: A statistical exploration, and some possible applications

A report for Productivity Hub by NZIER, with the assistance of Cognitus Economic Insight. Read more

New Zealand's pandemic response: Best practice or just a practice run? NZIER Insight 84

Using evidence from health and economic literature, health economists Sarah Hogan and Todd Krieble find that New Zealand should do more to prepare for pandemics and assist the Pacific Islands. New Zealand should not rely on travel bans which are likely to be ineffective. Read more

NZIER’s Shadow Board recommends no change under coronavirus cloud

There remains a wide range of views amongst the NZIER Policy Shadow Board on the appropriate level of the OCR at the Monetary Policy Statement (MPS) release on Wednesday. Although Shadow Board members acknowledged the positive developments in the New Zealand economy, the recent corona … Read more

The value of MetService's public weather forecasts and weather warnings

MetService and the Ministry of Transport (MoT) commissioned NZIER to undertake secondary research on the value of the public weather information provided under the Crown contract. Using a benefit transfer approach we found the BCR for public weather forecasting services ranged between … Read more

NZIER Consensus Forecasts show a slightly lower growth outlook

The growth outlook has been revised down slightly in the latest NZIER Consensus Forecasts, relative to the previous quarter. Read more

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