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NZIER’s Shadow Board sees stronger case for tightening

While Shadow Board members still considered current monetary settings as appropriate for the upcoming May meeting, attention turns to a tightening in monetary policy over the coming year. In the near term, members pointed to some uncertainty over how sustainable the recovery will be p … Read more

A critical missing ingredient: The case for increased dietetic input in tier 1 health services

Dietitians New Zealand commissioned NZIER to analyse the available data to estimate the supply of and need for dietetic input in publicly-funded health services for people with cancer, diabetes and mental illness, and to identify, in light of any identified unmet need, what the optima … Read more

Picking cherries: Evidence on the effects of temporary and seasonal migrants on the New Zealand economy

A report for the New Zealand Productivity Commission. Read more

Wellbeing and productivity at work

A report for Xero. Read more

NZIER’s Shadow Board calls for a ‘wait and see’ approach

There remains a wide range of views amongst the Shadow Board members on what the Reserve Bank should do with monetary policy. The focus on the housing market has become more intense in recent months, and the recent announcements of policy measures to address house price sustainability … Read more

NZIER Consensus Forecasts show a downward revision to the growth outlook over the longer term

The latest NZIER Consensus Forecasts show a downward revision to growth forecasts later this year. However, this partly reflects a higher starting point, as the recovery in demand after lockdown restrictions were relaxed turned out to be stronger than expected. Read more

Tourism recovery - without stepping on the gas - NZIER Insight 95

With borders closed for the foreseeable future New Zealand tourism is facing a loss of substantial revenue from the lack of foreign visitors, who would usually maintain demand for tourism businesses after the end of the peak summer holidays for domestic tourists. But after the COVID-1 … Read more

NZIER’s Shadow Board sees little need for further stimulus

In light of recent developments, we have once again revised the format of the views we are seeking from our Shadow Board on what the Reserve Bank should do with monetary policy. Given the Reserve Bank’s growing arsenal of monetary policy tools which includes the Official Cash Rate, qu … Read more

NZIER Consensus Forecasts show stronger near-term growth

The latest NZIER Consensus Forecasts show a substantial upward revision to growth forecasts over the coming year. The consensus is clearly for a ‘V’ shaped economy recovery in New Zealand. Read more

2020 Summer Reading List for the Prime Minister

This list was prepared as part of the NZIER Public Good programme, which carries out economic research and thinking aimed at promoting a better understanding of New Zealand’s important economic challenges. Read more

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