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NZIER Consensus Forecasts show weaker near-term outlook

The latest NZIER Consensus Forecasts show a downward revision to the near-term outlook for the New Zealand economy. This largely reflects the expected impact of restrictions to contain the latest COVID-19 community outbreak, which turned out to persist for longer than initially expect … Read more

Digital trade is the way forward for New Zealand

The introduction of digital trade initiatives as developed by providers such as TradeWindow will have major benefits for New Zealand supply chains. “The NZIER show that the benefits are between $9 and $18 billion over 10 years for those involved in New Zealand export supply chains if … Read more

Pacific uptake of temporary work visas

NZIER report to MFAT & MBIE. Read more

Southern Link: The potential to develop a global value chain

The Southern link is a trade route that links Asia and South America via New Zealand – it turns what is seemingly a distance challenge for New Zealand into a competitive opportunity. Read more

2021 Summer Reading List for the Prime Minister

Today the New Zealand Institute of Economic Research Incorporated (NZIER) has released its 2021 Summer Reading List for the Prime Minister. Read more

Transforming lives and saving money

A report to Kidney Health NZ. Read more

Intense inflation pressures drive calls for higher interest rates

The Shadow Board is overwhelmingly calling for a tightening in monetary policy, primarily through higher interest rates. However, this view was not unanimous, with Shadow Board members in the business community who were more cautious about further tightening at the upcoming meeting. T … Read more

Declining maths scores is a problem for the New Zealand economy - NZIER Insight 98 & 99

New Zealand’s school maths scores are declining. A solution put forward the Royal Society expert panel commissioned to investigate our poor maths performance is an increase in specialist maths skills in the teaching profession. Although the education sector could increase teacher skil … Read more

The trade implications of Mr Biden for New Zealand - NZIER Insight 97

Or what does the Chinese Century mean for New Zealand? The United States has structured world trade over the past 70 years in a way that has been positive for New Zealand. Now that the United States has relinquished its lead trading position, how will Mr Biden behave on trade policy? … Read more

The tale of Goldilocks and the three fears (about the minimum wage) - Insight 96

The minimum wage is a ‘Goldilocks’ policy: not too high, not too low. A political consensus on the role and appropriate level of the minimum wage is both possible and desirable. Read more

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