The home affordability challenge : suite of policy reforms needed in New Zealand
July 18, 2014
Fixation with home ownership causing economic and social despair Read more
Regional economies : shape, performance and drivers
July 12, 2014
Divergence and the search for a solution Economic performance is uneven across New Zealand’s regions. For example, there are differences across household incomes, unemployment and population growth in the latest Census. Read more
The Bank of England's new approach to mortgage restrictions better targeted than LVR policy - NZIER Insight 46
July 2, 2014
Just last week Mark Carney, the Governor of the Bank of England, tightened the rules on mortgage lending in the United Kingdom. Now loans set at more than 4.5 times income can make up only 15 percent of new mortgage lending. We like this approach to financial stability because it dire … Read more