Bill Kaye-Blake

Bill Kaye-Blake

Principal Economist

Bill has undertaken research and consulting for over 25 years. He understands how to identify an issue and scope a project to investigate it. He focuses on developing new knowledge and understanding, and he takes a pragmatic approach to using economic tools and methods. He works on short-term projects and long-term research programmes, tailoring the approach to the client's needs and resources.

Published articles and books

Richard W. McDowell, Rick Llewellyn & William Kaye-Blake. (2024). Quantifying a different way of doing research in the Our Land and Water National Science Challenge. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand,

Denise Bewsell, Dave Gray, Charlotte Butler, Tafi Manjala, Phoebe Gill, Bill Kaye-Blake, Adam Barker & Declan Barrett. (2023). Understanding signals influencing on-farm change. Rural Extension and Innovation Systems Journal 19(2), 35-46.

John Ingram, William Bellotti, Mike Brklacich, Thom Achterbosch, Bálint Balázs, Martin Banse, Simon Fielke, Line Gordon, Saher Hasnain, Lieve Herman, Rebecca Kanter, William Kaye-Blake, Jerome Mounsey, Anne Pihlanto, Allyson Quinlan, Johan Six, Rike Stotten, Thomas Tomich, Attila Tóth, Carolina Yacamán, & Monika Zurek. (2023). Further concepts and approaches for enhancing food system resilience. Nature Food.

Richard McDowell and William Kaye-Blake. (2023). Act local, effect global: Integrating farm plans to solve water quality and climate change problems. Land Use Policy 129, 106670.

William Kaye-Blake. (2022). Resilience is a meaningful, measurable trait of communities. New Zealand Economic Papers, DOI: 10.1080/00779954.2022.2154253

Richard W. McDowell, Alexander Herzig, Tony J. van der Weerden, Cristine Cleghorn & William Kaye-Blake (2022) Growing for good: producing a healthy, low greenhouse gas and water quality footprint diet in Aotearoa, New Zealand, Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, DOI: 10.1080/03036758.2022.2137532

Val Snow, Daniel Rodriguez, Robyn Dynes, William Kaye-Blake, Thilak Mallawaarachchi, Sue Zydenbos, Lei Cong, Irena Obadovic, Rob Agnew, Nicole Amery, Cristy Benson, Peter Clinton, Fernanda Dreccer, Andrew Dunningham, Madeleine Gleeson, Matthew Harrison, Alice Hayward, Dean Holzworth, Paul Johnstone, Holger Meinke, Neena Mitter, Amin Mugera, David Pannell, Luis Prada e Silva, Eugeni Roura, Prince Siddharth, Kadambot Siddique, David Stevens. (2021). Resilience achieved via multiple, complementary, subsystems: the immediate impacts of COVID-19 control measures on the agri-food systems of Australia and New Zealand. Agricultural Systems 187, 103025, February.

Payne, P., Kaye-Blake, W., Kelsey, A., Brown, M., & Niles, M. (2021). Measuring rural community resilience: Case studies in New Zealand and Vermont, USA. Ecology and Society 26 (1), article 2.

Brown, M., Kaye-Blake, B., & Payne, P. (Eds.). (2019). Heartland strong: How rural New Zealand can change and thrive. Massey University Press.

Payne, P. R., Kaye-Blake, W. H., Stirrat, K. A., Ellison, R. A., Smith, M. J., & Brown, M. (2019). Identifying resilience dimensions and thresholds: evidence from four rural communities in New Zealand. Resilience, 7(2), 149-171.

Kaye-Blake, W., Stirrat, K., Smith, M., & Fielke, S. (2019). Testing indicators of resilience for rural communities. Rural Society, 28(2), 161-179.

Kaye-Blake, W., Schilling, C., Monaghan, R., Vibart, R., Dennis, S., & Post, E. (2019). Quantification of environmental-economic trade-offs in nutrient management policies. Agricultural Systems, 173, 458-468.

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